Зареждане / LoadingGeneral information * * * * * * * * Personal photo 0% Complete Please click on the 'Upload' button and wait until the message 'File upload successful.' appears! * I agree my photo to be published on the website of Pleven Guitar Festival, for the purpose of legitimacy for participation. I agree to be photographed, recorded and broadcast on international, national and social media during my participation at Pleven Guitar Festival 2019 for the purpose of transparency and dissemination of the events with non-commercial purpose. I agree to the processing of my personal data submitted to the "Art Close to Me" Association for processing and storage by the Association. GDPR Category > Category Hereby I apply for the competition which is part of Pleven International Guitar Festival 2019 I shall pay the fee for the category I will compete in till October 09, 2018 * Yes No Category Choose categoryClassical guitarChamber musicAcoustic guitar: no age limitsElectric guitar: no age limitsGuitar and voice (no age limits) Age group - Classical guitar Choose an age groupFirst A age group: up to 9 yearsFirst B age group: up to 11 yearsSecond А age group: up to 13 yearsSecond B age group: up to 15 yearsThird age group: up to 19 yearsFourth age group: no age limits Age group - Chamber music Choose an age groupChamber music - up to 18 yearsChamber music - no age limits Guitar orchestras - up to 18 yearsGuitar orchestras - no age limits Number of participants Age group - Guitar and Voice Choose an age groupGuitar and Voice: up to 18 yearsGuitar and Voice: Guitar and voice: no age limits Numbers of participants In October, you'll receive an email with access to your account in our system, where you can change your repertoire if necessary. Total cost of participation in the competition euro Payment type Bank PayPal or credit/debit card Payment by bank transfer: First Investment BankIBAN: BG25FINV91501216145615BIC: FINVBGSFRECEIVER: 'Art Close to Me' AssociationReason for translation: Participation fee + participant + category name Payment by PayPal or credit/debit card: Upon completion, you will be redirected to the PayPal or credit/debit card form. A fee of 2.9% + 0.30 EUR is added to the final price. < General information Masterclasses and accommodation > Master classes and accommodation I would like to be part of the masterclasses and I am aware that I have to pay a participation fee upon my arrival * Yes No Masterclass Lecturers Boyan Doychev - Bulgaria Bozhana Bavlova – Bulgaria/Austria Liviu Georgescu - Romania Milena Valcheva - Bulgaria Stela Dinkova – Bulgaria Total price for participation in master classes 0euro The fee for active participation in the masterclasses should be paid:- upon arrival or in advance via bank transfer or PayPal (if the participant has paid a participation fee)- in advance via bank transfer or paypal (if the participant will take part only in masterclasses) I would like to take advantage of the ensconcing package with a value of 150 euro which includes: 5 nights, breakfast, lunch and dinner that are consistent with the schedule of the competition; organized transport from and to the concert evenings, tickets for the concerts. * Yes No At the festival I will be with attendant who only has to pay for the stay in the city Yes No Number of attendants Select a number of attendants1234 Total accommodation price 0euro < Category Price 0 * Required